Belief in the ghosts of ancestors


  • Sapieva N.E.


animism, soul, rituals, Islam, ghost worship, afterlife, religious beliefs, single burial, bury again


In the article worship of the spirits of ancestors is one of the most widespread religious beliefs of the ancient Kyrgyz, based on the animistic views of people. A variety of funeral rites is mixed with ancient animistic ideas, a combination of beliefs in the life of the soul in the other world and its various effects on this world. Even if most of them have disappeared, the worship of the ghosts of ancestors, despite the rise of Islam, is a worship of it, without questioning the greatness of the owner of the tombs that are buried in solitude (Kozhokelen, Kalyakan hill) still lives among the inhabitants of the Fergana region Some beliefs belong not only to the Kyrgyz, but also to other peoples of Central Asia (Kazakhs, Turkmens, Karakalpaks). The pre-Islamic animistic belief of the Kyrgyz is one of the religious beliefs of many peoples.


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