game phenomenon, “pure game”, active approach, freedom of choice, philosophy of culture, organism, society, struggle, practical sphere.Abstract
In the mentioned article of the author, the problem of play in the experience of
philosophical theory is considered, besides, as mentioned in it, play is much bigger than man. In
its original form, it was formed in the universe of beings capable of moving in space. The game
was necessary for young animals as a means of strengthening the body, mastering the methods
of struggle for life, leaning on the experience of existence accumulated in the endless exchange
of previous generations, and enjoying it. Here the activity is instinctive. A completely different
method of activity appears in human society - activity based on a conscious goal. Purposiveness,
which naturally arises in the processes of physical survival, beginning with finding food, gradually
spreads to more complex spheres of human activity. In it, the initial uncertain gaming impulses are
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