numbers, numerical nouns, abstraction, general memories, computing systems.Abstract
This article discusses the features of numerical notations in the ancient and new systems of calculus. One of the groups of words in the vocabulary of the Kyrgyz language is formed by numerals. Numerals are one of the linguistic phenomena that indicate the relationship of the Turkic languages. Basically, the numerals in all Turkic languages are the same. They originated in ancient times and are often found in written monuments dating back to the 5th-8th centuries. As for oral speech, numerals probably began to be used in it much earlier. The counting system has undergone changes due to the phonetic features of each language. The abolition of the old counting system and the beginning of the use of a different counting system in the ancient Turkic written monuments is a manifestation of a living process that develops as society changes. The place that the numerical concept occupies in life practice is unique and the scope of its application is diverse. As far as modern, so-called official sciences help in the development of mankind, numbers are the same science that is closest to life practice.
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