
  • O.K. Karataev professorInstitute of humanitarian and regional studies of the Southern Branch, NAS KR


teaching tartuu, shyralga, kyrgyz, ethnos, kyrgyz customs, ethnic culture, traditions.


The Kyrgyz still have an archaic custom of the prestigious distribution of booty
called “ucha” - or the back of the carcass of a ram, horse. This custom of distribution of prey is
widespread among the Turkic-speaking and Tungus-speaking peoples of Siberia. The essence of
the custom of “teaching” was the distribution of part of the booty to their fellow tribesmen. This
exclamation provided for the allocation of an honorable part of the extracted meat to anyone who
met. A Kyrgyz hunter, having met someone riding with prey, at the word “snake” took the hind
leg with part of the spine and the skin, the second and third oncoming ones also cut off the best
pieces of meat for themselves, as a result, the hunter is left with nothing. A similar custom called
“ucha ber!” (lit. give the sacrum) was registered among the Khakass and Altaians. For example,
in the Northern Altai, the owner of the yurt presented the best part of the meat “teaching” as a gift
to the shaman, “who, having accepted, cuts off the pulp, but not all, and gives it to any honorable person he wants. This one, cutting himself off, passes on to another, usually an older relative or
a stranger, who, having cut himself off, gives to everyone who is, and immediately the bones are
finally cleansed “teaching”, without damaging them. The archaic custom of “learning” and the
distribution of a share called “keshik” existed and continues to exist among modern Kyrgyz. In
the Kyrgyz language, the word “keshik” denotes the remnants of food and drink from the table of
noble and honored guests, which are treated to young people or neighbors, as well as the gift itself
from the treats at the feast. Thus, the custom of “learning” arose among hunters and originates
from hunting trades, because “an equalizing law came into force, going back to the norms of collective production and consumption of the tribal system. The Kyrgyz had an equal division of prey,
regardless of the contribution of any member of the hunting artel. Otherwise, the mountain hosts
could get angry and not give good luck next time. According to scientists, the conditions for the
operation of the custom of “learning” arose during the period of decomposition of the tribal system
and the emergence of a neighboring community, when the exclusive right of members of the clan
to tribal territories began to be violated, it seems more reliable to assume that it arose during primitive tribal relations. The custom of “teaching” guaranteed people support in case of need, because
it determined the development of mutual assistance, improved the system of marriage ties and the
establishment of social gradations.

Author Biography

O.K. Karataev, professorInstitute of humanitarian and regional studies of the Southern Branch, NAS KR

doctor of historical sciences


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