Spiritual and religious foundations division of the kazakhs into “zhuzes” and the role of biies in this


  • Zhengis Zh. Zh.


Kazakh ethnos, zhuzes, yassaviya tarikat, spiritual and religious processes, biys institute, historical process, ethnogenesis


The formation and appointment of zhuzes is one of the most pressing problems of Kazakhstani historiography. The discord of opinions is still preserved, despite significant changes in methodological approaches to the coverage of the history of the Kazakh people.

Zhuzes were a specific form of socio-political organization of the Kazakh people. Scientists have no opinion about the time of the emergence of zhuzes, the reasons for their appearance, and the internal structure of general opinion. In Kazakhstani historiography, it is customary to call zhuzes the unions of tribes that recognize themselves as part of a single Kazakh nation and inhabit a part of the Kazakh territory fixed by tradition.

As a result of religious and spiritual processes in the Altyn Orda, then in the Kazakh Khanate, the division into three parts of the state and clans gradually had a religious and spiritual process. After the reorganization of tribal organizations and zhuzes, genealogical ties and the zhuz system played an important role in the sphere of power and ideological relations. Kazakh biys regulated the order of organization and joint activity of Kazakhs as a single ethnic group. This was explained mainly by the consumer orientation of the nomad economy. Therefore, the system of genealogical kinship and zhuzes played an important ideological and regulatory role in the life of a nomadic society.


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