Attitude to literature in the period of the kara-kyrgyz autonomous region


  • Abdybayeva Perizat National Academy of Science


Kyrgyz literature, history, folklore, culture, oral art, collection, manuscript


At the end of 1924, the Turkestan ASSR was abolished and replaced by NationalState Institutions. On October 14, 1924, the Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Region was established.

Thanks to this historical event, the dispersed Kyrgyz tribes had the opportunity to unite politically, economically, culturally, and form as a separate nation. At the same time, the literary sphere began to take form and founded a literary circle in Kyrgyzstan. Young people interested in literature created a literary organization and gave it the name “Red Spark”. This was the first step towards professional organization, the creation of a separate literary sphere for newcomer poets.

Author Biography

Abdybayeva Perizat, National Academy of Science

researcher, Institute of Language and Literature named after Ch. Aitmatov


Кыргыз адабиятынын тарыхы. 6-том. Бишкек - 2012

КР УИАнын Кол жазмалар бөлүмү. Инв. №68 (262).

КР УИАнын Кол жазмалар бөлүмү. Инв. №84 (285)

КР УИАнын Кол жазмалар бөлүмү. Инв №150 (361)

КР УИАнын Кол жазмалар бөлүмү Инв №151 (362)

