Al Beruni as a thinker: conceptual analysis
philosophy, logic, ethics, religion, tolerance, thinking, cause, effect, matter, form, necessity, chance, reality, possibility, judgment, evolution, relativismAbstract
Abu Rayhan Beruni was a great thinker and medieval scientist-encyclopedist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, geographer, ethnographer, anthropologist, geologist, historian, botanist, pharmacologist and humanist, who made a huge contribution to the development of world science and civilization. In this article, the worldview and some historical and philosophical concepts of al-Beruni, the thinker of the encyclopedic mind, are analyzed logically and ontologically: in particular, the concepts of: “natural philosophy”; “nature; “”reason”; “thinking”; “time”; “matter and form”; “cause and effect”; “possibility and reality”; “necessity and chance”. In conclusion, the article states: despite the fact that Al-Beruni’s thought was expressed more than a thousand years ago, some of his ideas still remain relevant and consonant with modernity.
Абу Райхан Беруни-великий учений - энциклопедист эпохи первого Ренессанса
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