Continuous approaches to the solution of the convolutional integral Volterra equation of the first kind


  • Adil Srashidinov


Volterra convolution integral equation of the first kind, Fredholm equation of the second kind with a small parameter, theory of completely continuous symmetric linear operators, Hilbert space, transition method for convolution equations, Fourier series expansion of functions


In the case when the equation named in the title can be reduced in one way or another to an equivalent equation of the second kind, then, generally speaking, finding its approximate solutions in the spaces L2[0,1] or C[0,1] can be said to be sufficiently studied. In this regard, we believe that the above-mentioned conditions do not hold with respect to the named equation
This message addresses the issue of constructing continuous approximations to the exact continuous solution of the Volterra convolutional integral equation of the first kind. In this case, the well-known theory of completely continuous symmetric linear operators in Hilbert space is widely used, in particular the expansion of L2 functions in a Fourier series in a system of orthonormal kernel functions with a difference argument a(t-s). In addition, the so-called transition method for convolution equations, proposed by the author in [9], is used.


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