“Synthesis of silver nanoparticles in jerusalem hellanthus tuberosus extracts of “interes” and “nakhodкa” varieties


  • Asilkan Zulpukarovna Dzhumanazarova
  • Daria Toktorbek kyzy
  • Anarkan Kushubakovna Mataipova PhD,Senior Lecturer Osh State University


green chemistry, silver nanoparticles, Jerusalem artichoke, varieties “Interes”, “Nakhodka”, plant extracts, incubation, UV-spectra


The work studied aqueous extracts of two varieties of Jerusalem artichoke – “Interes” and “Nakhodka”. In order to extract the largest amount of extractive substances from plant materials and reduce extraction time, ultrasonic sonication was used for 10, 30, 50 minutes at 40-500C, compared with maceration, which lasted 2 days.It has been established that the largest amount of extractives is released during ultrasonic treatment for 50 minutes. In all extracts obtained by maceration and ultrasonic treatment of two varieties of Jerusalem artichoke, the synthesis of silver nanoparticles was carried out using silver nitrate (SN) at an extract:SN ratio of 2:98 by incubation. It was concluded, that the most favorable conditions for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles are created in the extract of the “Nakhodka” variety when treated with ultrasound for 30 minutes.


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