communities, phytocenosis, abundance, area, association, edificators, sub-edifiers, assemblers, slope exposure, raw materials.Abstract
Due to the irrational use of natural resources, some plant species growing on the territory of Kyrgyzstan and playing a prominent role in the life of the Kyrgyz people are on the verge
of extinction. In this regard, the study of the local flora state is one of the urgent tasks of the modern science. The aim of this article is to characterize the cenopopulation, the abundance of species
and to determine the biological, operational reserves of the medicinal plant Achillea filipendulina,
that grows on the northern slopes of the Alai Range and is widely used in the traditional knowledge
of the Kyrgyz people. Defining the prevalence of plants in area under the study was carried out
according to special criteria. The number (abundance) of species was also assessed. The yield was
calculated using arithmetic formulas. The outcomes of this work can be used in teaching students
and postgraduates of biological and pharmaceutical specialties, as well as in licensing companies
that collect medicinal plants.
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