victim, testimonies of victim, failure to give evidence, cfiminal law, harm, witness, accused, information, criminal act, responsibility.Abstract
The article reveals the basic concepts of the testimony of the victim in criminal proceedings. The testimony of the victim is an important means of establishing significant circum-stances in a criminal case in cases where the victim in his testimony directly indicates the involvement of the person guilty in the commission of the crime or the important information he provides about the circumstances of the crime makes it possible to identify the guilty person in the future. With the help of the testimony of the victim, other circumstances to be established in a particular case can be proved. The possibility of establishing with the help of the testimony of the victim with the reliability of the circumstances of the criminal case is also ensured by the obligation to give truthful testimony. The legal essence and difference between the testimony of the victim and the testimony of the accused are considered.
Уголовно-процессуальный кодекс КР от 28.10.2021 г.;
Уголовный кодекс КР от 28.10.2021 г.;
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