
  • Nazira Shyitievna Kydyrmaeva Institute of Chemistry and Phytotechnologies of the NAS KR
  • Zhyldyz Imakeevna Berdalieva Institute of Chemistry and Phytotechnologies of the NAS KR
  • Alamanova Alamanova КР УИАнын Химия жана фитотехнология институту


imidazole, ligand, complex compounds, vibrational spectra, absorption spectra, coordination, stretching vibrations.


A comparative analysis of the vibrational spectra of synthesized complex metal compounds and a non-coordinated ligand - imidazole - was carried out. As a result, it turned out that the stretching frequencies n(C=N) are shifted by ~10-35 cm-1 to the high-frequency region, which indicates the coordination of imidazole in metal complexes through one of the two imidazole ring’s nitrogen atoms. Moreover, the spectra of chloride, sulfate, and nitrate complexes of Cu, Ni, Zn, and Cd were compared with the spectra of nitrate complexes Mg and Ca, which confirmed the assumption of monodentate coordination of the ligand with the central atom only through the imidazole ring’s pyridine nitrogen atom.

Author Biographies

Nazira Shyitievna Kydyrmaeva, Institute of Chemistry and Phytotechnologies of the NAS KR

doctor of chemical sciences, professor

Zhyldyz Imakeevna Berdalieva, Institute of Chemistry and Phytotechnologies of the NAS KR

doctor of chemical sciences, professor

Alamanova Alamanova, КР УИАнын Химия жана фитотехнология институту

candidate of chemical sciences


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