commemoration, commemorative culture, commemorative practice, globalization, historical memory, value, representation, society, memorial, personality, commemoration, ritual.Abstract
The article analyzes the essence of the formation of commemorative culture of the
Kyrgyz, which is still a little-studied phenomenon in science. The research task was an attempt to
determine the trajectory of commemorative practice, which has acquired particular significance in
the era of globalization. As today it is difficult to find a common understanding of the essence of
historical memory as a form of new thinking, a new worldview in the culture of the Kyrgyz people.
This scientific article interprets its own emphasis in understanding the formation of a
commemorative culture based on the educational and pedagogic potential of the nation. The main
attention is paid to the characteristics of commemoration from the position of other researchers, in
particular, defining this phenomenon as relevant in the education and formation of value systems
of a modern person. In conclusion, the need to form a common vision of commemorative culture
in the realities of the 21st century is traced.
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