On the concept of independence and sovereignty in the context of constitutional reforms


  • Botaeva Ch.K., Jarkynbaeva T.Dzh.


constitution, constitutional reform, sovereignty, statehood, constitutional principles, separation of powers, independence


In the article, the understanding of the essence of political and legal concepts formed in Kyrgyzstan is facilitated by the principle of popular sovereignty and independence, which is explained by the essence of recognizing the people as the source of supreme political power in society. In this case, the tools of dialectical unity methods were used, as well as the presence of particular methods, comparison, synthesis, system-structural. In the process of analysis, the goal is to identify that the people are the dominant subject in the constitutional space. The people absorb the totality of any individual and group interests in political and legal processes, including constitutional reform. The results and conclusions can be useful in the process of generating additional theoretical data for the science of constitutional law, and in practical terms - for developing new approaches in the work of government agencies in the Kyrgyz Republic.


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