Obtaining ammonia fertilizer from coal Alai deposit of the Kyrgyz Republic


  • Алдашева Н.Т., Чилдебаев Б. С., Кушбакова Г. Т.


Pyrolysis, resin, pyrogenetic water, ammonia water, ammonium hydroxide, muffle furnace, gas collector, refrigerator, sump, steam, calcium hydroxide, ammonia, Nessler reagent, distillation column, buffer solution, mineral fertilizers, ammonium sulfate


In this paper, a technological scheme for the production of ammonium sulfate from coke oven gas has been investigated and developed. The mass concentrations of ammonia and ammonium ions (80 mg/dm3) were determined. It is shown that the total ammonia content in the above-ground water obtained from the coals of the Alai deposit of the Kyrgyz Republic is very small, with about 80-90% NH3 in the free state, and the rest in the form of ammonium salts: (NH4)2CO3, (NH4)2S, (NH4)2 SO4, NH4CL, NH4CNS, etc. From cooled, concentrated ammonia water by the reaction of 2NH4 ОН+H2 SO4 =(NH4)2 SO4+2Н2О, a fertilizer is formed - ammonium sulfate, i.e. the mineral fertilizer (NH4)2SO4 ammonium sulfate from coal from the Alai deposit of the Kyrgyz Republic.


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