Philosophical aspect


  • А.М. Alymbaev Institute of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Political Research them. A.A. Altmyshbaeva
  • R.B. Salmorbekova Institute of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Political Research them. A.A. Altmyshbaeva
  • Gulzat Bekturovna Nusubalieva Institute of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Political Research them. A.A. Altmyshbaeva


Kydyr, Musa, Umai ene, Uguz khan, Ulus, hoder, prophet, prophetic w.b.


 The meeting of the Semitic prophet Musa with Kydyr is described in Islamic literature, but was not widely known. Most readers present Kydyr as a mythical figure in Islam. In fact, Kydyr is one of the elements that entered the Islamic society from the Aryan society. That is why his place in Islam is unclear: sometimes he is mentioned as a prophet, sometimes he is described as a spirit that supports the lost, then as a person who became immortal by drinking mudi water. This proverb says that Kydyr is a person from a different society and that his knowledge is far superior to that of the Semitic prophets.

Author Biographies

А.М. Alymbaev, Institute of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Political Research them. A.A. Altmyshbaeva

senior researcher

R.B. Salmorbekova, Institute of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Political Research them. A.A. Altmyshbaeva

doctor of sociological sciences, professor

Gulzat Bekturovna Nusubalieva, Institute of Philosophy, Law and Socio-Political Research them. A.A. Altmyshbaeva

PhD in Philosophy


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