Problems of constitutional and legal regulation оf the activities of the prosecutor’s office оf the kyrgyz republic in the conditions of modernity


  • Abdyrahman Ruslan


constitution, rights, duties, powers, prosecutor’s office, state, status, functions, problem, modernity


Problems of constitutional and legal regulation of the activity of important state bodies is one of the important directions for research activities in the field of jurisprudence. legal and constitutional status endows a state body with special powers, but does not always protect this state body from problems that arise in the performance of functional duties and powers. Therefore, in this article we attempt to analyse the most obvious problems that the prosecutor’s office faces today, as well as to develop a number of recommendations of practical and theoretical importance.


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Конституционный Закон Кыргызской Республики от 10 сентября 2021 года №114 О прокуратуре Кыргызской Республики (В редакции конституционных Законов Кыргызской Республики от 21 июля 2023 года № 145, 26 июля 2023 года № 148, 29 декабря 2023 года № 215) URL: (дата обращения: 03.04.2024)

