methodology, information, information security, terrorism, cyber terrorism, anti-terrorist actions, international cooperation.Abstract
This article describes and discloses the methodological problems of countering
cyber terrorism, along with ensuring information security (hereinafter IS) in the activities of society, the state, and individual citizens. It also presents the main provisions, concepts and definitions,
terms, methods of ensuring information security, various types and sources of information security
threats, describes the organizational and legal methodological support of information security for
the activities of society and systems in various areas of its life cycle.
At the same time, the use of high technologies at the same time imposes a high responsibility on the owners of information systems; without the proper level of security, it is impossible
to guarantee the confidentiality of entrusted and processed data. As you know, in the conditions
of active and large-scale introduction of information technologies in all areas of public administration, the urgency of this problem increases. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that
the issues of ensuring information security and the problems of countering cyber terrorism have
not received a conceptual approach at the doctrinal and legislative level, although they are touched
upon in a number of some documents.
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