
  • S.N. Mosolova Institute of biology of NAS KR
  • N.M. Akmatalieva Institute of biology of NAS KR
  • K.D. Bavlankulova Institute of biology of NAS KR


macromycetes, biodiversity, species, order, family.


The article provides an analysis of the species diversity of macromycetes in Bishkek.
64 species are registered in the city. The department Ascomycota is represented in 5 species from
the Rezizales (8%). From the division Basidiomycota, 59 species from 8 orders (92%) were identified. The most numerous is the order Agaricales, represented by 35 species from 23 genera,
14 families. The year 2022 was favorable for mushrooms and provoked the development of many
types of spring-early summer mushrooms.

Author Biographies

S.N. Mosolova, Institute of biology of NAS KR

сandidate of biology, senior researcher

N.M. Akmatalieva, Institute of biology of NAS KR

Junior researcher

K.D. Bavlankulova, Institute of biology of NAS KR

candidate of biology, head of laboratory


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