Organization of coordination and logistics center


  • Vakhidilhan Saipdzhanovna Zhakypdzhanova
  • Anara Urustamovna Adanbaeva
  • Mamanberdi Andrey uulu
  • Ulukman Aydarali


urban passenger transport, traffic flow, intensity, traffic delays, passenger traffic, capacity


The article discusses the problems that do not allow organizing passenger transportation that meets modern requirements for transport services to the population. Known ways and methods that make it possible to improve the level of transport services for the population are considered, and the automated information and control systems of the transport complex operating in Osh, aimed at improving the quality of passenger transportation, are presented. Based on the comparative analysis method, it is recommended to create a coordination and logistics center that allows saving personal time and money, reducing transport fatigue, choosing the optimal route, attracting potential passengers through confidence in the timeliness of the trip, choosing the optimal route and saving the passenger’s personal time.

Author Biography

Vakhidilhan Saipdzhanovna Zhakypdzhanova

senior researcher


Кочерга, В. Г. Интеллектуальные транспортные системы в дорожном движении : учеб. пособие / В. Г. Кочерга, В. В. Зырянов, В. И. Коноплянко. – Ростов н/Д : Изд-во РГСУ, 2001. – 108 с.

