Mathematical model for calculations of electromechanical transient processes (based on the example of OSH CHPP during modernization to an expected capacity of 100 mwt)


  • Пакирдинов Р. Р., Жунусалиев А. С., Осоров И.А., Абсамат кызы Гулиза


base power, base current, transient process, short circuit current


The work carried out practical calculations and developed a mathematical model of the electromechanical transient process using the example of calculating short circuits during the modernization of the Osh Thermal Power Plant; it also contains quite complex calculations. But these calculations at the same time provide the basic concepts of designing calculations of current to the closure and networks of precise voltages: for selecting devices and conductors for setting up relay protection and automation, identifying high-voltage power lines on communication and signaling lines, choosing the number of neutral grounding in the system and for a number of other transient processes. Such designs as calculations of three-phase short circuit currents I short circuit, asymmetrical short circuit.


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